Integrating the Old with the New

Meet Sheryl…the brand new owner of this old Stone House.
Sheryl Sacry contemplates color palletes in the attached photo. “From pale blue to wine red”, she cleverly quips. “There is so much charm and character here…I love that the previous owners restored it to it’s original beauty.”.
“It just gets prettier and prettier every time you look at it”, I assure her.
As the recently appointed Marketing Manager for the brand new Char Stone House, I’ve spent a lot of time with Sheryl as of the late. From frolocking around town, to endless hours spent on planning, contemplating and executing every daunting detail that comes along with opening a brand new business.
And friends…there are A LOT of details.
But I have to say that watching her vision come to life…task by task…right before my eyes has been incredible to witness first hand.
Sheryl has an abundance of plans for this historical haven, from the services she plans to offer all the way to physical expansions. Don’t worry, though…she doesn’t plan to carry out any work that would compromise the enchanting integrity of this old house. “I just want to add on to the kitchen…on the north side of the house”, she explains. “We want to offer the best of the best…and we need to give staff the proper space to comfortably make that happen.”.
For now, Sheryl is open to the idea of potentially beginning operations in the existing space. “I can’t stand the thought of waiting, I’m too excited!”, she says. And although she doesn’t have a definitive date in mind as of yet, she does reveal to me that she plans to open as soon as she gets the greenlight from everyone involved. “There are a lot of wheels in motion”, she says…”and we have to check all of the boxes, first.”.
I sit back and watch her bustle around the house, whilst she chats on – telling me about where she plans to place the wine bar, the ambiance she hopes to achieve with lighting modifications, and the furniture she plans to add. Her exuberance is contagious, and I can’t help but to picture myself at the bar…chatting with my girlfriends over a wine-tasting.
“I TOTALLY dig this vibe!”, I tell her enthusiastically.
“Good”, she says. “That’s what I’m going for”, she jokes…”a very diggable vibe”.
I don’t think she’ll have much difficulty reaching that goal. The atmosphere that she aspires to create for the Stone House will bring something a little different to our incredible town. Something fresh and imaginative for our entire community to enjoy.
“Everyone has been so welcoming and kind”, Sheryl says. “I’m so grateful to be a part of such a tightly-knit and friendly community. The support that people have here for one-another is truly remarkable.”. I fervently agree with her as we wrap up for the day. “Well”, I say…”I’m writing an introductory post for social media…is there anything specific you’d like me to mention?”, I ask. “Oh no”, she says, gesturing dismissivly with her hand. “Don’t bore them to their graves. I’ll be around…tell them to just pop in and say Hi! I’d much rather get acquainted in person, anyway”, she says, as we make our way to our vehicles.
I nod my head in acknowledgement, noting aloud and ironically that the art of human-to-human connection is largely lost on social media nowadays. The two of us agree that we should try to do what we can to change that. So, friends – in closing, I’m extremely pleased to introduce Sheryl Sacry, the brand new owner of this old Stone House…who’d much prefer to meet you face-to-face. And shake your hand in person.
We Can’t Wait to See You at Char Stone House!

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